Restaurant Management for Retail


With this module it is possible to configure WEBPOS for Restaurants by managing orders assigned to tables. As a precondition, the following modules have to be installed:


This article explains how to configure the module Restaurant Management for Retail. It assumes the reader knows how to configure Openbravo Commerce Platform.

Tables Configuration

Tables are configured in the Resource window in the back office. By creating a new record a new table for the restaurant is created.


  • Organization:Store of the tables
  • Search key:Identifier of the table
  • Name:Name that will be displayed in front end for the table
  • Resource category:Table will be selected by default
  • Product category:A category to identify
  • Sequence number:Order of the tables in the front end

Reservation log tab is a record of all the bookings that have been done for this table.

In addition, the checkbox "restaurant table" has to be selected in the Resource Category window. When the Restaurant module is installed, the checkbox is selected by default.


Channel-Touchpoint Type

Restaurant Management can be activated by Touchpoint Type. As a result, if activated, all the POS Terminals linked to it, will display the restaurant layout with the tables.

In order to activate Restaurant Management, the “Restaurant POS” checkbox should be selected.


Products Sent to Kitchen

Products that need to be send to the kitchen for cooking or preparation, have to be configured in order to show this information in WEBPOS. To do so, in back office, these type of products need to have the flag “Send to Kitchen” selected in the Product window.


Kitchen Printer Configuration

In order to print a ticket for a kitchen order, a new printer can be configured.

The configuration is done in Warehouse window: in the Restaurant Configuration section there is a field for the Kitchen printer. For example, if the value is 2, it means that all the products sent to the kitchen will generate a ticket using Printer number 2.

In addition, during the technical configuration of the Hardware Manager properties, the number of the kitchen printer needs to be the same as in the printer line. In the below case for example, the machine.printer.2 is configured.


If some specific product needs to be printed using a different printer, it is also possible to configure exceptions using other printers. For these cases, in the Assortment of the store (in the product tab) there is an option of adding another printer number by product.

In the below example, this specific product below will be printed using printer number 5:


In this case, it is also necessary to configure the Hardware Manager as mentioned above.


Apart from the Preferences of the necessary modules explained above, there are two approvals available in this module.

Restaurant POS modify sent to kitchen line approval

A product that has already been sent to the kitchen can be modified. An approval can be configured if required. To do so, the following configuration has to be added:

Preference for the approver:

  1. Organization = * (or select the organization where this preference will apply)
  2. Property list = Y
  3. Property = Restaurant POS modify sent to kitchen line approval
  4. Role = Applicable role
  5. User = Applicable user

Preference for the the user who needs approval:

  1. Organization = * (or select the organization where this preference will apply)
  2. Property list = N
  3. Property = Restaurant POS modify sent to kitchen line approval
  4. Role = Applicable role
  5. User = Applicable user

Restaurant POS release blocked table approval

If a table synchronization goes to the "Errors While Importing" window, the respective table will be blocked. If the user wants to release this blocked table, an approval can be configured to do so.

Preference for the approver:

  1. Organization = * (or select the organization where this preference will apply)
  2. Property list = Y
  3. Property = Restaurant POS release blocked table approval
  4. Role = Applicable role
  5. User = Applicable user

Preference for the the user who needs approval:

  1. Organization = * (or select the organization where this preference will apply)
  2. Property list = N
  3. Property = Restaurant POS release blocked table approval
  4. Role = Applicable role
  5. User = Applicable user


Creation of a new order

In order to create a new order, the button "New receipt" is clicked in the pop up that is displayed when opening the WEBPOS.

Newreceipt 001.png

All available tables are displayed in green and one table can be selected. If the order is part of a bar order, a take away or an order that does not belong to a table, the "Keep Unassigned" button is clicked.

In this example, table 2 is selected.


After the table is selected, the receipt will created and the table number is shown in the header.


Products can be added to the order and by clicking in OK button the order is saved.


Table 2 is now occupied and can be selected again to add or delete products, like on a normal WEBPOS ticket.



Finally, to complete the payment, click on the total amount and select the payment method desired as usual.


Selection of an existing order

Upon logging into the WEBPOS, the pop up with the open tables and ticket information is displayed.

The pop up window has two tabs to select existing orders: one for "Assigned to Resource" already selected with the tables and another one called "Unassigned to Resource".


When clicking "Unassigned resource", all open orders with no table assigned will be displayed (for example, bar or take aways orders).


By selecting the tables or the Unassigned receipts, the orders can be edited or the payments completed as explained in above section.

Deletion of an order

If for any reason an order has to be deleted, after loading the ticket, the option "Delete Receipt" is selected.


Reassignation of orders to other tables and combination of tables

Unassigned order to a table

An unassigned order can be assigned to a table, in the case that, for example, a customer moves from the bar to a restaurant table. Do to so, the "Unassigned" label of the order is clicked.


The pop up with the tables available is displayed and after a table is selected, the ticket is changed from "Unassigned" to displaying the table selected.



Table to table

An order can be switched from one table to another. To do so, the "Table number" label of the order is clicked.


The pop up with the tables available is displayed. After unselecting the current table and select a new one, the ticket is assigned to the new table. The unselected table is released and available for booking again.



Combination of multiple tables

Multiple tables can be combined in one order as well. To do so, the "Table number" label of the order is clicked.


The pop up with the tables available are displayed and all the tables that are combined in one order are selected. In this case, both tables are selected and upon clicking "Apply" they are combined.



Send to Kitchen Products

In the case that products have to be sent to the kitchen for cooking, there is a button in the product line to send and print the kitchen ticket.


When the "OK" button is clicked, the kitchen ticket is printed so that the food will be prepared.

The product line changes from "Not Sent" to "Sent".


Bill splitting

It is possible to split the bill in the case each customer wants to pay his own expenses.

To do so, the respective items consumed by the customer are selected and the button "Move to Receipt" is clicked.


A confirmation pop-up is shown and the next step is to select "Create New Receipt".


The selected items are displayed in another receipt and the customer can pay separately.


The non-selected items remain on the initial receipt and are paid separately.
