Use SAP HANA, express edition to help Thomas get started with help from other developers in the community using Kubernetes, text analytics, graph and geospatial.

You will learn

  • How to easily deploy SAP HANA, express edition and SQLPAD from Docker into Google Kubernetes Cluster
  • How to configure persistency and services in Kubernetes for the two containers in the same pod
  • How to access the database from SQLPAD
  • Explore advanced analytics features in SAP HANA, including the document store, geospatial, graph and linguistic text search functions


Let us help our fellow developer Thomas to learn SAP HANA. On his journey he will find other developers of the community with similar interests, explore who is learning from whom and who are close by. To make it fun and useful we do this all with SAP HANA express edition.

This tutorial will use Google Kubernetes Engine to deploy SAP HANA, express edition and an SQL client. If you do not want to use this method, you can check other available options to download or install SAP HANA, express edition.

How do we help Thomas?

Like most developers, Thomas wants to stay on top of the latest technologies. The first step is to get started with tutorials, like this one. The second step he wants to take is connect with other developers and experts in the SAP Community to share experiences and learn together.

Fellow developers from all around the world connect daily to exchange information. We will find out if they share our interest for SAP HANA and related topics by using text analytics on their opinions in the community.

Thanks to the multiple engines in SAP HANA, we will combine text analytics with graph analytics to find out how community members are connected.

Finally, we will use the geospatial capabilities in SAP HANA to find out developers closer to Thomas’ location in Munich.

Step 1: Log in to the community

This tutorial has validations to keep track of completion and make sure you are on track after important steps.

Sign in or register by clicking on the person icon in the top right corner. If you are registering for the first time, all you need is an email address or social media account.

Log in to Community

Use your email address or social media.

Log in to CommunityDoneLog on to answer questionStep 2: Create an account or log in to Google Cloud

This tutorial works either with the free trial account in Google Cloud Platform or with the paid tier.

Additional options to download or install SAP HANA, express edition for free are listed at The options for Database Server Only and an SQL client like DBeaver, Visual Studio.


If you decide to use your own instance, mark the first 9 steps as done, and continue to step 10.

If you have not already, follow the steps to sign in to Google Cloud Platform. Even if you are eligible for the free trial, you will be required to enter credit card details for validation.

Accept terms

Here is more information on how the free trial works and how to disable billing.

DoneLog on to answer questionStep 3: Create a cluster

Navigate to Kubernetes Engine -> Clusters.

Navigate to Clusters

Click Create a Cluster.

Create a cluster

Leave Standard Cluster marked.

Navigate to Clusters

Change the amount of nodes to 1 and choose the configuration with 4 vCPUs and 15 GB memory.

Create a cluster

Click Advanced edit.

Create a cluster

Change the image type to Ubuntu and the book disk type to SSD persistent disk.

Create a cluster

Click Save.

Review the options. Then Click create.

Create a cluster

What is going on?

You are creating a Kubernetes cluster with computing capacity for SAP HANA, express edition and a web SQL client, SQLPAD, in a single node. The images for these containers will be pulled from the public Docker repository and store. The containers will be connected to each other and have some ports exposed to the internet.

DoneLog on to answer questionStep 4: Connect to the cluster

Deployment takes a couple of minutes. Refresh the browser periodically and wait until the cluster is ready.

Once the cluster has been created successfully, click Connect.

Create a cluster

Click Run in cloud shell.

Create a cluster

Once the console is open and the command has been copied, press Enter.

Create a cluster

Copy the following command into the command line, and press Enter to execute:

touch hxe.yaml
Create a cluster

Execute the following command:

edit hxe.yaml

This will open a new tab with an editor. Agree to open in editor.

Create a clusterDoneLog on to answer questionStep 5: Create a deployment file

Use the copy function in the top right corner for the file below and paste it into the open file:

kind: ConfigMap
apiVersion: v1
  creationTimestamp: 2018-01-18T19:14:38Z
  name: hxe-pass
  password.json: |+
    {"master_password" : "HXEHana1"}
kind: PersistentVolume
apiVersion: v1
  name: persistent-vol-hxe
    type: local
  storageClassName: manual
    storage: 150Gi
    - ReadWriteOnce
    path: "/data/hxe_pv"
kind: PersistentVolumeClaim
apiVersion: v1
  name: hxe-pvc
  storageClassName: manual
    - ReadWriteOnce
      storage: 50Gi
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: hxe
    name: hxe
      run: hxe
      app: hxe
      role: master
      tier: backend
  replicas: 1
        run: hxe
        app: hxe
        role: master
        tier: backend
        - name: install
          image: busybox
          command: [ 'sh', '-c', 'chown 12000:79 /hana/mounts' ]
            - name: hxe-data
              mountPath: /hana/mounts
        - name: hxe-data
             claimName: hxe-pvc
        - name: hxe-config
             name: hxe-pass
      - name: docker-secret
      - name: hxe-container
        image: "store/saplabs/hanaexpress:"
          - containerPort: 39013
            name: port1
          - containerPort: 39015
            name: port2
          - containerPort: 39017
            name: port3
          - containerPort: 8090
            name: port4
          - containerPort: 39041
            name: port5
          - containerPort: 59013
            name: port6
        args: [ "--agree-to-sap-license", "--dont-check-system", "--passwords-url", "file:///hana/hxeconfig/password.json" ]
          - name: hxe-data
            mountPath: /hana/mounts
          - name: hxe-config
            mountPath: /hana/hxeconfig
      - name: sqlpad-container
        image: "sqlpad/sqlpad"
        - containerPort: 3000

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: hxe-connect
    app: hxe
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 39013
    targetPort: 39013
    name: port1
  - port: 39015
    targetPort: 39015
    name: port2
  - port: 39017
    targetPort: 39017
    name: port3
  - port: 39041
    targetPort: 39041
    name: port5
    app: hxe
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  name: sqlpad
    app: hxe
  type: LoadBalancer
  - port: 3000
    targetPort: 3000
    protocol: TCP
    name: sqlpad
    app: hxe

The file will be automatically saved.

Saved fileDoneLog on to answer questionStep 6: Create a Docker secret

You will create a secret with your credentials to log in to Docker and pull the images. If you do not yet have an account, create one by signing up with Docker.

Saved file

Go back to the Cloud Shell. You will use the console below the editor.

Saved file

Use your registered email address, account ID and password in Docker to replace the placeholders in the command below:

kubectl create secret docker-registry docker-secret --docker-server= --docker-username=<<USER_NAME>> --docker-password=<<PASSWORD>> --docker-email=<<EMAIL>>

You should get a message saying secret docker-secret created.

Saved fileDoneLog on to answer questionStep 7: Deploy your containers and connect to them

You will now use the deployment file (hxe.yaml) to create a variety of artifacts. Use the following command to create the artifacts based on the yaml file.

kubectl create -f hxe.yaml

You should get confirmation that the deployment, persistency and additional artifacts have been created.

Saved file

You can check the progress of the creation with the following command:

kubectl describe pods
Saved file

Give it a couple of minutes for the database to start. Here is some reading you can do in the meantime:

What is going on?

Kubernetes is an open source platform to manage containerized workloads and services. In this case, you have used two containers, one for SAP HANA, express edition and the other for SQLPAD. SAP HANA needs persistency and you want that persistency to remain accessible even if the container disappears.

This is why you created a persistent volume and attached a portion of it to a container using a claim. With the proper mechanisms, this would also allow you to restore the log and data files in the database from an upgraded version of the Docker container.

You also want SAP HANA to have some ports accessible from outside the Kubernetes environment. In Kubernetes language, your containers are deployed in a pod. Physically, in this example, these are the two Docker containers in a virtual machine. Within the pod, containers can connect to each other but you want to be able to access SQLPAD from the external network.

Services provide a mechanism to define a policy to access the pod from the outside world and expose specific ports for each of the applications. For example, SAP HANA express edition will be listening to JDBC connections on port 39041 while SQLPAD will be listening for web requests on port 3000

Pod diagram

Use the following command to get the name of the pod that has been created:

kubectl get pods

Use the name of the pod in the command below to access the database:

kubectl exec -it <<POD>> bash

For example:

Saved file

Congratulations! You are now connected to your instance of SAP HANA, express edition.

DoneLog on to answer questionStep 8: Log in and configure the database

You will now perform some configurations on your database for the advanced analytic features to work.

First import the file with data for the document store using the following command:

 wget -O ./work/json.csv
SQL command

Log in to the SQL console using the following command:

hdbsql -i 90 -d systemdb -u SYSTEM -p HXEHana1

Use the following command to enable the document store:

alter database HXE add 'docstore';

Use quit to exit the SQL command line and exit.

SQL command

Finally, type exit to leave the container.

SQL commandDoneLog on to answer questionStep 9: Connect to the database using the SQL client

Use the following command to get the services that expose your connections to the database and the SQL client:

kubectl get services

Copy the external IP address from the previous command for the service called sqlpad.

Connect to sqlpad

Open a new tab. Paste the IP address followed by port 3000.

Connect to sqlpad

Hit Enter and click on Sign up.

Connect to sqlpad

Use the following credentials to set up the administration access:

Connect to sqlpad

Repeat the credentials to log in.

Connect to sqlpad

Click admin > Connections on the right-upper corner.

Connect to sqlpad

Click New Connection.

Connect to sqlpad

Call it HANA and choose the SAP HANA driver.

Connect to sqlpad

Go back to the cloud console. Copy the external IP address for the service hxe-connect.

Connect to sqlpad

Paste it into the Host Server IP address and complete the rest of the fields to access your tenant database.

Connect to sqlpad

Click Save. Then click New Query.

Connect to sqlpad

You should see the schemata on the left side panel indicating the connection has been successful.

Connect to sqlpad

Errors? Make sure you are using the external IP address for SAP HANA and that there are no spaces before or after the IP address or port.

DoneLog on to answer questionStep 10: NoSQL time! Create a JSON document store

In SQLPAD, statements need to be executed one by one. You can do this by selecting the statement first and then pressing run.

Create a collection first using the following command:

create collection hints;
Connect to sqlpad

You are using the SYSTEM user and its schema for convenience purposes. The recommended approach for productive databases is to create development users and deactivate the SYSTEM user. More information in the security guide

Use the following statement to import data into your document store:

IMPORT FROM CSV FILE '/usr/sap/HXE/HDB90/work/json.csv' INTO system.hints WITH batch 2 threads 10 RECORD DELIMITED BY '\n' FIELD DELIMITED BY ',' optionally enclosed by '""'  ERROR LOG '/usr/sap/HXE/HDB90/work/load.err';

Connect to sqlpad

What is going on?

Document store allows you to store all of the information related to the same record in the same document. These documents do not have a predefined format or number of fields like a table.

Here is a sample document you inserted in the document store with the import command:

Connect to sqlpad

 Document stores do not have tables or schemas, they use collections and documents. Documents in the same collection may have different structures and data types. This is particularly useful when relationships across documents are not too relevant and data structure needs to be flexible. For example, data for user accounts where fields like the phone number may not be entered and may not be stored at all. In this same scenario, there is no need for foreign keys and relations between the user records. This type of database is also referred to as NoSQL because data operations are not performed using SQL in other platforms. However, SAP HANA uses SQL for CRUD operations in JSON document store. For more information about the document store in SAP HANA, refer to the help

Use the following statement to complete the validation below:

 select TO_NVARCHAR("hint"), TO_NVARCHAR("office") from hints where "name"  = 'Maria';
Where is Maria located?MadridWaldorfBrazilDenmarkSubmit Answer×Log on to answer question

Step 11: SQL time! Select people in the community with at least one year of experience

Free resources, like this tutorial, are a great way to get started. People in the community with more experience and willing to help are a great complement to a learning journey.

You will select the people whose experience is 2 years or more. You will also move those records into a columnar table so you can perform advanced analytics only available in the columnar store.

Create the columnar table first:

create column table "DEVS"
  "DEVNAME" nvarchar(100) PRIMARY KEY,
  "LEARNS_FROM" nvarchar(100),
  "CITY" nvarchar(100),
  "LON_LAT" nvarchar(200)

Note the columnar table has a text index on the field HINT_TEXT.

Insert the data from the documents store into the columnar table, filtering out people with tenure lower than 1 year:



insert into "DEVS"
select "name", "learns_from", "hint", "office", , "geolocation"
from hints where to_bigint("tenure") > 1

Count the inserted records in the new columnar table:



select count(*) from "DEVS";

Insert the result of the previous SQL command in the box below to complete the following validation:

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Step 12: Use linguistic text search to find developers who can help

There are plenty of different ways of working with SAP HANA: some are interested in the analytics, some keep it running smoothly through system and database administration, and others use it to create data-driven applications. You are looking for those people who like to develop applications.

You will use a linguistic text search to find out who has said anything related developing applications.



  from "DEVS"
  where contains(hint_text, 'develop', linguistic)

Notice how the linguistic search brings all records containing the verb develop as a stem.

Connect to sqlpad

Other functions such as fuzzy search, text mining and sentiment analysis can be applied using the text engine in SAP HANA. To learn more about linguistic and other types of search, visit the official documentation

You will use these results to create a table to show who learns from who. This table will be used to create a graph workspace. Create it using the following SQL statement:



create column table learning_relation (
"ID" int generated always as identity(start with 10 increment by 1) unique not null,
"SOURCE" NVARCHAR(100) not null,
    "TARGET" NVARCHAR(100) not null

Insert the records into the new table:



insert into learning_relation
(source, target)
select learns_from, devname from devs

How many records were inserted into the new table?

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Step 13: Use Graph to find out who learns from who

Now that you have a table with learning relations and developers in the community, you can find out how these people are related to each other. One of the ways to represent a network of people is by using a graph database.

In SAP HANA, graphs are represented by vertices (in this example, developers) and edges (the connections between them, taken from the field learns_from).


Find more information about the graph data model in the SAP HANA reference and how to apply to text analytics.

Create a graph workspace to define a graph in terms of tables and columns:




There are some known algorithms to apply on a graph. One of them is the strongly connected components. As this is a directed graph (the learns_from establishes has a direction from one node to the other), you can establish an index with the most strongly connected members.

In this example, you will find out who are the developers more people are connected to by learning from them either directly or indirectly.

One of the methods to execute calculations on graph workspaces is through a calculation node. These can be created both graphically in SAP Web IDE for SAP HANA and using SQL and an XML definition.



<?xml version="1.0"?>
<cubeSchema version="2" operation="createCalculationScenario" defaultLanguage="en">
  <calculationScenario schema="SYSTEM" name="HANA_GRAPH_CS">
      <graph name="cs_node" defaultViewFlag="true" schema="SYSTEM" workspace="HANA_GRAPH" action="GET_STRONGLY_CONNECTED_COMPONENTS">
          <viewAttribute name="DEVNAME" datatype="string"/>
          <viewAttribute name="COMPONENT" datatype="int"/>

You can now use the calculation scenario. The highest index returned by the algorithm indicates the strongest connected component.




Who are the two most connected developers?SamSaanviSolJose

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Step 14: Find the closest geographical location

So far, you have found the developers with enough years of experience, interest in developing applications and strongly connected. Find out who is closer to Thomas so they can meet at the next community event.

Thomas is located in Munich, Germany. The geolocation is longitude: 11.569299 latitude: 48.145130


Use the following query to calculate distance to Thomas’ location:



select devname, st_geomFromText( 'Point( 11.569299 48.145130 )', 4326).st_distance(st_geomFromtext( devs.lon_lat, 4326), 'meter') / 1000 as DISTANCE_KM
  from "DEVS"
  where contains(hint_text, 'develop', linguistic)
    order by distance_km asc

Who is in the closest office?SofiaSamSolJohannes

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Step 15: Who helps me get started?

Congratulations! Here is how you can get started with any topic in SAP HANA and more: