Session 3.1 Application Dictionary – Table and Columns
Openbravo ERP Data Model is defined in Application Dictionary. At data model Application Dictionary maps phyisical database tables and columns in its own tables (AD_Table and AD_Column) and in top of this it is built the rest of the system (Windows, tabs, fields, etc.).
This document explains how tables and columns are defined in physical database and how they are mapped in Application Dictionary's Data Model.
Tables in Application Dictionary
Once tables are physically defined in database (read DB fundamentals-tables) they must be mapped with Application Dictionary. This mapping is done through Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table tab, which populates AD_Table table.
For a detailed information about the fields in this tab and what are they used for read the AD_Table document.
Table Naming
A table defined in the application dictionary has several names which are used by Openbravo in different ways:
- Logical name ( used by the Data Access Layer in XML and JSON REST web services. See here for more information.
- Physical name (AD_Table.tablename): is the name of the table in the database.
- Class name (AD_Table.classname): the name of the generated entity java class.
Columns in Application Dictionary
After defining the table in Application Dictionary, the next step is to add columns to it. There's a process which reads columns from database and inserts them as columns in the table. This process is invoked from the Create columns from DB button in Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table tab.
After that it is possible to check all the columns in the table in the Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table >> Column tab, and fine tune them if needed. There is a detailed explanation for all fields in that tab in the documentation about AD_Column table.
The following sections explain some details to be taken into account when defining a column.
Column Naming
A column defined in the application dictionary has several names which are used by Openbravo in different ways:
- the logical name ( this name is used by the Data Access Layer for automatically detecting supported interfaces and XML and Java property naming.
- the physical column name (AD_Column.columnname): is the name of the column in the database table.
When naming columns related to audit info, client/organization and active it is very important to be precise in the name. If a wrongly spelled name is used then Openbravo will not be able to detect that an entity supports a certain interface and specific automatic behavior is disabled. See here for a list of interfaces and their expected logical column names.
Defining Business Objects: the isParent
The column definition in the application dictionary is also used to define business object structures in Openbravo. If the isParent field of a foreign key column is set (checked/true) then this foreign key models an association from a child to a parent. With this information the Data Access Layer will automatically create an association (in-memory) from the parent to the child.
For example the C_OrderLine table has a column c_order_id. In the application dictionary this column is flagged as isParent (so the c_order_id points to the parent of the order line: the order header). The data access layer will translate this foreign key column in two association in the entity model:
- a many-to-one association from the order line entity to the order (its parent)
- a one-to-many association from the order to the order lines, in java this results in a member of type java.util.List.
For more information, see here.
References are used in Openbravo ERP Application Dictionary for two purposes:
- Define the type of data stored in a column
- Depending on the reference a column has, this column will hold different data types, for example numeric values, plain text, links to other columns, etc.
- Define how the fields linked to a column will be represented in the UI
- A column's reference also indicates how the fields associated to that column will be represented within tabs, for example a drop down list, a text box with a button to show a selector, etc.
Thus each column in Application Dictionary has one and only one reference.
For an example on using references and extending the base set of references please see here.
Types of references
There are two basic types of references: Base and Subreferences. References are set in Application Dictionary > Tables and Columns > Table > Column tab using Reference field for data type references and Reference Search Key for sub types.
- Base references
- These references can be directly associated to a column. Examples of data references are date, price, list, etc.
- Subreferences
- Some base references require another reference to completely define the data the column will contain. This is when sub references are used. The base references defined in core that require a sub reference are: List, Search and Table. Thus when one of these base references is associated to a column it is necessary to also associate to that column another subtype reference. For example, to set a column to a Business Partner search it is necessary to set the main reference for this column to Search and the secondary one to Business Partner Search.
Core base references
The following sections describe the base references defined in core.
Numeric references
Integer, Number, Amount, Quantity and General Quantity are used to maintain numeric values. When defining one of these references it is possible to include the minimum and/or the maximum value for the column if wanted, notice that the check for this values will be done just in UI but not a database level, so it would be possible to add data out of range using any process. To enforce this restrictions in database use database check constraints.
When there is a field in a tab associated to a column with one of these references the way it is represented will look like the picture below.
The physical description of columns using this references must be NUMBER.
Note that the way decimal numbers are represented is defined in config/Format.xml file with these equivalences:
- euroEdition: Number and Amount
- qtyEdition: Quantity
- priceEdition: Price
- IntegerEdition: Integer
- generalQtyEdition: General Quantity
Price reference is similar to the previous numeric ones and is intended to store monetary quantities. When defining it does not allow maximum and minimum values.
The physical description of columns using this references must be NUMBER.
Text references
String, Text and Memo references are used for text columns. The difference between them is the text length they are supposed to store. String is for short text and it will always be displayed in UI as a one line text box, Text and Memo are displayed in multiple lines depending on the length defined in the Length field.
The physical description of columns using this references must be CHAR, VARCHAR or NVARCHAR.
This is how a text reference looks like in UI:
URL link
Link reference is used to represent URL links. Columns with this reference are text columns.
The UI for this reference is:
When clicking on the button next to the text box a new browser is opened with the link in the box.
Time references
Date, Time,DateTime Absolute Time and Absolute DateTime are used for columns storing date or time values. Date displays a date without hours; Time displays time without date, this is just hour, minutes and seconds; DateTime displays date with time.
When defining a column of type Date maximum and minimum values are accepted.
In Oracle, physical database columns for these references must be DATE or TIMESTAMP types. In PostgreSQL the data type is Timestamp without timezone
An example of how a field for a column with reference date is represented is as follows:
Notice that a calendar button is displayed next to the text box, this facilitates the dates selection, when clicking on it a calendar poup-up is opened:
And this is an example of a DateTime field:
Since PR14Q2 the date-picker for this reference is like the Date reference one but also it adds a time-picker. If the input value is empty, this time picker value is the current time.
The format for displaying time and dates is defined in config/ file by the dateFormat.sql and dateTimeFormat.sql using SQL format. Example:
dateFormat.sql=DD-MM-YYYY dateTimeFormat.sql=DD-MM-YYYY HH24:MI:SS
Time and DateTime are relative references, that means that the stored value is loaded from the backend with the backend/server timezone and displayed in the client/browser with the own client timezone:
- The value is stored with server timezone.
- When loading into the client, the server transforms the value to UTC and it sends it to the client. The client this UTC value and transforms it to client timezone.
- When saving in the server, the client timezone value is transformed to UTC and sent to the server. The server reads this UTC value, it transforms it to server timezone and stores it in the database.
Absolute Time and Absolute DateTime are, as their name indicates, absolute references, that means that the stored value in the backend/server is exactly the same than is displayed in the client/browser:
- When passing the time/datetime from the client to the server, the value is passed as it is read from the database, so there is no UTC conversion. There are some mechanisms in the client to display the value as it comes, so there are no convesions here.
- When receiving a value from the client, it is stored also as it comes from the client without any UTC conversion.
You can learn more about these absolute references in the following document
Yes/No reference
YesNo reference is used for columns accepting boolean values (yes or no). In the UI a checkbox is shown, when it is checked the column will take 'Y' as value, when it is not it will take 'N'.
Physical database columns for these references must be CHAR(1).
UI for this reference is:
Image BLOB reference is used to store images in the database. All images are physically stored in a binary field of the table AD_IMAGE, and the table column used must be a reference to this table. Image types supported are the raster types: PNG, JPEG and BMP , and the vector type SVG.
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SVG images are fully supported in the browsers Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Microsoft Edge. Not in Internet Explorer. In this browser SVG images may be clipped and not properly displayed. |
The image column can have an associated action that defines a validation and a transformation to be done for images saved in the database based on the original size of the image. Note that vector images SVG never apply for these actions.
The image size values actions defined are:
- None. Any image can be saved and no transformation is done to the image
- Allowed - Exact size. Only images with the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height are allowed.
- Allowed - Minimum size. Only images with at least the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height are allowed.
- Allowed - Maximum size. Only images with a maximum of the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height are allowed.
- Recommended - Exact size. If the image does not have the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height a warning is displayed to the user.
- Recommended - Minimum size. If the image does not have at least the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height a warning is displayed to the user.
- Recommended - Maximum size. If the image size is larger than size defined in the fields Image width and Image height a warning is displayed to the user.
- Resize - Exact resize (without maintaining the aspect ratio). The image saved is resized to the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height. The aspect ratio is not maintained and may change-
- Resize - Closest to the maximum size (maintaining aspect ratio). The image saved is resized to the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height. But the aspect ratio is maintained adjusting the width or the height of the image to keep in the size defined.
- Resize - Closest to the maximum size only if larger image. Similar to the previous action but the resize it is performed only if the image size is larger than the size defined in the fields Image width and Image height.
When there is a field in a tab associated with one of these references the way it is represented will look like the following picture:
Buttons in Openbravo ERP must also be contained in a column though the value for this column is not directly modifiable by the user. Buttons are used to call processes.
When a column is assigned with Button reference the following additional fields are displayed: Process and Ref Search Value.
In process list we will select the process that is called when the button is clicked, this field is mandatory when the reference is button.
An optional Ref Search Value field is also available, here it is possible to select a reference list (see reference list below). If no value in this field is selected the text inside the button will be static (the process name), but if a reference list is selected the text in the box will be the name of the list having the same value as the current value in the list. For example if we define a list with the pairs value, name like: [{'N', 'Process'}, {'Y', 'Unprocess'}] and we select it, when the columns value is 'N', 'Process' will be displayed but 'Unprocess' when it is 'Y'.
When displaying a tab with a button it looks like:
DocAction buttons
Action buttons are a special kind of buttons used to perform process actions on certain documents (such as invoices, orders, etc.). These buttons have as column name DocAction.
When they are clicked a popup as follows is opened:
The available actions showed in this popup depend on the document status, and are calculated by org.openbravo.erpCommon.ad_actionButton.ActionButtonUtility.docAction method.
Post buttons
Another special button is the one issued in documents that support accounting to post/unpost. The column name must be Posted, and the process is left empty. These buttons call directly the accounting process.
List reference is used to limit the values a column can take to those ones defined in a list. When a column is defined as list reference it is necessary to select a sub reference among the existing lists in Application Dictionary, this is done selecting the correct value in the Reference Search Key field.
Physical columns for this reference must be VARCHAR(60).
The actual values the column will get are the ones defined as Seach Key in the list, for more information see defining lists section.
The UI for lists is a drop down list.
When to use lists
List are useful to maintain list of fixed values that rarely need to include new ones and which maintenance can be done by a System Administrator role, not by a standard user.
Let's explain through an example. There are 3 types of Modules: Modules, Templates and Packages. This definition is not going to change very often, it is possible that in future releases a new module type to be added but is nothing that is going to change daily, apart of that if it changes for sure no standard user would have to do the modification but System Administrator would have to. There are two possible solutions for this:
- Create a table for module types and add in module table a foreign key column to this table.
- Create a list of module types and add in module table a column of list reference using this new reference.
The second approach is easier to implement and maintain, additionally it does not create a database table with just 3 fixed records. In fact, behind the scenes, all data for all lists in Openbravo ERP is stored in a single database table (AD_Ref_List).
Furthermore lists are translatable, this means that the drop down lists can be displayed in the user's language, so following the 1st approach would have required to create a new additional table to hold translations.
Defining lists
List references, as the rest of references, are managed from Application Dictionary || Reference || Reference tab.
To create a new one click on New, insert a name for it and select List as Parent reference. This step creates the header for the list.
In this header it is possible to select Display value field (available from 2.50MP14). In case this is selected, the list items will be represented by concatenating their value and their name, if not, only name will be displayed.
The next step is to add values to the list, to do so go to List Reference tab, and create the values you need. Here there are three important fields to take into account:
- Search Key this is the value (not visible in UI) that the column using this reference will take when it is selected.
- Name it is the name that will be displayed in the drop down list. All the fields in this tab are described here.
Sequence Number (available from 2.50MP14) it is the position of the element when the drop down list is rendered. This field is nullable, depending on the values it has in the elements of the list, the sorting is done as follows:
- If the value of this field is null for all the elements in the list, the list will be sorted alphabetically.
- If all the elements have this value set, they will be ordered taken into account it.
- If some of the elements have it and some have not, the ones having it will appear at the beginning of the list sorted by this number, the rest of them will be shown at the end ordered alphabetically.
Just an additional consideration, it is possible to add elements in a module different to its header one, in this case the Search Key for the values must start with the module's DBPrefix to avoid naming clashes.
Openbravo ERP uses UUID as primary key for its tables. The standard name for a primary key column is TableName_ID, so for example for HR_Salary table its primary key column would be name HR_Salary_ID. To be able to store UUIDs the physical type for the column must be VARCHAR2(32). In addition that column must be set as primary key in database.
ID reference is used for primary key columns. Usually it shouldn't be displayed to the user because this key is senseless for him/her (use identifiers instead), but if it shown the UI for this reference is like String reference, a one-line textbox.
TableDir reference stands for Table Direct. As explained in the previous section the standard name for a primary key column is TableName_ID, in the same way the standard name for a foreign key column is the name of the foreign primary key column. For example if we create a new table named HR_MyTable and we want add a foreign key to HR_Salary, the column should be named HR_MyTable.HR_Salary_ID. If this naming rule is followed the Create columns from DB process will set this new column as TableDir reference. When the UI for this column is created a drop down list is generated with all the elements in the foreign table that can be referred from the current record. If the column name is not the same of the foreign key table's primary key column's name TableDir reference will not work, it will be necessary to define a Table reference for that column.
Physical columns for foreign keys must be VARCHAR(32) type to be able to store UUIDs. It is also required the physical table defines a foreign key to the other table.
This is the UI for TableDir reference:
It is a dropdown list, note that the label is now a link, clicking on it the user will navigate to the selected foreign element. Note also that although the actual value the column will take is the UUID of the selected element, UUIDs are not displayed, instead of that the shown values are the identifiers defined in the foreign table.
Table reference is similar to TableDir but does not have the naming limitation it also allows to define a where clause to limit the number of records that will be displayed as well as and order by clause to show it in certain order. When Table reference is selected for a column the Reference Search Key field becomes visible containing a list of all the available table dir subtypes, it is necessary to select one of them. These subtypes define the table the column makes reference to.
As the column for this reference is also a foreign key it must be in database physically identical to the ones defined for TableDir references.
Visually the UI for this reference is identical to the one for TableDir.
When to use Table reference
Usually Table references are used when the column name does not match with the name for the column it is linked to. In this case is mandatory to use this reference (or Search reference if it is available for that table).
Other cases is when the default order in TableDir reference is not appropriate. Note that it is not required to define a Table reference to limit the records that are displayed in a TableDir since it is possible to do it using a Validation.
Defining a Table reference
As all the references Table references are defined in Application Dictionary || Reference || Reference tab.
To create a new one click on New, insert a name for it and select Table in Parent Reference field. This step creates the header for the table. The next step is define the table to link to, to do so go to Table Reference tab, and create a new record. In Table field select the table the column is linked to in Key column field the value to be stored in the column (usually it its the primary key column), and in Displayed column the column that will be shown in the drop down list, note that here only one column can be selected and it is not possible to select the table's record identifier. SQL where clause and Order by are optional fields that can be used in case we want to restrict the records to be displayed or if we want to order them in some specific manner. A more exhaustive description for all fields in this tab can be found here.
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It is highly recommendable to look in the already defined Table references for one that fits our requirements before creating a new one. |
Search reference, as Table and TableDir, is used to define column that are foreign keys to other tables.
When a column is defined to use a Search reference, it is necessary to define which of the available search subtypes is going to call, this is done setting the Reference Search Key field.
As the columns using search reference store foreign keys (this is UUIDs) they must be defined in database as VARCHAR(32) and a foreign key constraint added to the table.
Visually the difference in UI with Table and TableDir is that instead of displaying a drop down list with all the values in the referred table it is shown the currently selected value using some filters.
When the button next to the text box is clicked a pup-up is opened, this pop-up allows to select one value from the available ones.
When to use Search reference
Search reference are specially useful when the foreign table has a big number of records because it facilitates a lot the task of selecting on record.
It is only possible to use one the existent selectors, the ones defined in core are, in case none of this fits our requirements it is possible to create new ones:
Defining a Search
There is an example about how to define a search.
References in modules
From 2.50MP12 it is allowed for modules to define base references. The documentation on how to do that is here.
Prior to this release modules only could define subreferences for the base ones provided in core, this means that new List, Table and Selector references could be added to modules.
Validations allow to filter the records that appear in generated drop down lists. Validations are applicable to the following data references List, Table, TableDir and Button.
When a column has a validation, WAD generates a callout for it (ComboReload) to implement the validation.
Defining a validation
Validations are defined in Application Dictionary || Setup || Validation Setup || Validation, they consist in a where sql clause that will be applied to the query that generates retrieves the data for the drop down list.
It is possible to do reference to columns within the foreign table in the code of the validation, to do it include the full table name. In case the reference is List type the table is AD_Ref_List and the column where values are stored in is Value.
It is also possible to use session variables in the filter, session variables are surrounded by @, thus @#AD_Client_ID@ referrers to the client the user has log in the application with.
Record identifier
Openbravo ERP uses UUIDs to unequivocally identify each record internally within a table. These values are stored in a column in the table that is defined as the primary key in the database and a key column inside Application Dictionary. UUIDs are 32 character strings that are automatically generated by the system, thus these strings are of very little use to the end-user when it comes to identifying records. Consequently, these values are used only internally by the application and are not displayed in the UI. Instead, users always see a friendly representation of a record called record identifier'.
A record identifier is a simple concatenation of the values of one or several columns of a record within a table. Each table defined within the Application Dictionary MUST have at least one column set as a record identifier.
When one of the columns that are part of the record identifier is a foreign key to another table, instead of concatenating the column's actual value (which is a UUID), the record identifier for corresponding foreign key table record is taken and concatenated.
As record identifiers are used to identify a single record, they should include a set of columns that is known to be unique. This can be guaranteed at the database level adding a unique constraint to these columns.
Defining a Record Identifier
Record Identifiers are defined in Application Dictionary || Tables and Columns || Table >> Column. To set a column as part of the record identifier for its table mark the Identifier check.
As many columns in the same table can be part of the record identifier, the way to define the order they will be displayed in it is set in the Sequence number field.
A Callout is a piece of code that is triggered when a field is modified. The callout is associated to the column which associated field will trigger the action.
What Callouts can do
Callouts are implemented by Java classes, so they can do virtually anything. But it must be taken into account that they are triggered when the field for the column they are associated with is modified, this happens before saving it to database, so it is possible the record in database does not already exist. Having this into account they should query in database for the current record.
They are typically used to:
- Load or change dynamically information in UI after a user change. For example set a default price when a product is selected.
- Show messages after modifying a field.
- Execute a Javascript function.
- Move the cursor to a field.
Callouts vs Triggers
Both callouts and triggers are executed when there are changes in data. The main difference between callouts and database triggers is that callouts are executed in the front end whereas triggers are in the back end. This means that callouts should affect primary to data displayed in UI and triggers to data in database, additionally callouts are only executed when the user is modifying data manually through UI but they are not exectued in case the same data is modified by any other process.
Because of all these reasons:
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Data integrity shouldn't be relied only in callouts. It should be also implemented in database, through triggers or constraints |
Defining a Callout
There is a how to related to callouts you can read to have an step by step example for a callout creation.
Application Dictionary
Callouts are defined in Application Dictionary || Setup || Callout window and then associated with the column that will invoke them when it is modified. There is a description for all the fields in a callout description here.
Java Implementation
Callouts are implemented by a Java Servlet.
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The simplest way to implement a callout is using the SimpleCallout class, that keeps you out from the 'plumbing' of building the response, check [Simplifying development of callouts] |
The things to consider are:
- The command callouts are invoked with is always DEFAULT.
- Callouts receive a parameter called inpLastFieldChanged, this parameter has the name of the field that triggered the callout. Using this parameter it is possible to reuse the same callout for different columns, this makes sense in case the action for both columns is very related.
- Callouts should use the org/openbravo/erpCommon/ad_callouts/CallOut xmlEngine template.
- This template must receive a parameter called array with the following Javascript syntax:
var calloutName='MyCalloutName'; var respuesta = new Array( new Array("inpfieldName", "value"), new Array('MESSAGE', "Message to display"), new Array("EXECUTE", "displayLogic();"), new Array("CURSOR_FIELD", "inpfieldName") );
After executing a callout with the previous output the result would be:
- The field called inpfieldName would take the vaule value.
- A message would be displayed.
- The displayLogic() Javascript function would be executed.
- The field inpfieldName would take the focus.
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The type of available messages: MESSAGE, INFO, ERROR, SUCCESS, WARNING. MESSAGE and INFO are equivalents |
Execute on new
By default, all callouts associated with drop down lists are exectued whenever a new record is created. This is done to guarantee all the logic implemented in callouts are executed for the default values that are presented in new record.
In case there are a big number of dropdownlists with callouts or ComboReloads this can cause performance issues.
In case it is known the validations and the callouts for a column will not do any change when creating a new record, the callout execution for that column can be disabled while new record creation. This can be done by unchecking the Validate on New field in Column tab.
Dynamic expressions
Default Value, Read only logic and Transient condition are values that allow a dynamic expression. There is a document explaining how dynamic expressions are defined.